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Writer's pictureShanon

Gifts of Summer (week 3)

Hello friends and farm-ily!

This week marks the last official week of spring before the summer solstice on Monday, June 20th. What a perfect time to take a moment to appreciate all the beauty that goes along with spring before summer waltzes in full of light and energy.

Along with the change of seasons, we are embracing change in many different forms this week. We pulled out the last of our spring crops (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, etc.) and replaced them with more sun loving veggies (maters, cukes, and squash). The farm is almost completely filled up with happy veggies ready to take in all the positive energy of the summer sun. In addition to the change of crops, we have been experiencing some pretty erratic shifts is weather here in Auburn. From forecasts of rain to triple digit scorcher days, the weather has been all over the map. No complaints, we have been enjoying the cooler weather accompanied by the refreshing coastal delta breeze as we gear up for another exciting summer here at Hillview Farms.

I want to close this week’s newsletter with this beautiful quote about the magic that is summer…

“Summer teaches us patience. The fruit is green until it’s ripe and you just can’t rush it. Something of the slow, sure rhythm of the time will enter into us if we let it; no, we can’t hurry things, but if we just relax and let go, things will reach their fullness without effort or ego’s striving on our part. And as we watch the ripening and flowering and fruiting all around us, we can’t help but be moved by and grateful for the generosity of the Earth Mother, who gives says what we need so unstintingly. Summer is a perfect time to discover our earth connection; by receiving her gifts with respect, taking only what we need, and doing what we can to minimize our impact on the delicate balance of the planet, we strengthen and nourish the bond we were given a birth with the great parent who sustains us all.”

~ Cait Johnson and Maura D. Shaw from Celebrating the Great Mother

Hope to see you all soon!


Shanon and Michael


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